Glass Bead Workshop: Building Skills, Exploring Techniques, Finding - gebraucht
Buch Glass Bead Workshop: Building Skills, Exploring Techniques, Finding Inspiration by Jeri Warhaftig - gebraucht
Handmade glass beads are highly sought after and command high prices in shops; the best ones are tiny works of art. Teacher and artist Warhaftig has designed this book as a series of ten practice lessons on advanced techniques for experienced beadmakers. Each lesson includes photos of works in progress and finished beads by glass artists. General information encompasses tools and studio setup. An excellent selection for public and academic library crafts collections.
Hardcover, gebunden, 143 Seiten, durchgehend farbige Abbildungen
Format: 21,59 x 25,4 cm
Sprache: Englisch
Herausgeber: Lark Books, 2008ISBN 160059123X, 9781600591235
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